Please read and understand the basic rules, legal notices, and terms and conditions for rental and tenancy at Dancing Coyote Farm before you submit your Rental Application. Thank you.

The Owner's of Dancing Coyote Farm are Seniors looking for the following type of adult renter to share our beautiful, laid back rural home and property.

  1. Mature, conscientious adults twenty-five (25) years (minimum) and older; male or female.
  2. Traveling or local Medical, Business, Educational, or Service professionals.
  3. Non-smokers (including marijuana and vaping).
  4. Non-drug users (of legal or illegal drugs and medicines in the State of California or Federally), except for drugs and medicines specifically, medically and legally prescribed [such as CBD oil]).
  5. Low-to-moderate consumers of alcoholic beverages.

All renters must be adults, 25 years of age at time of acceptance for rental, and over.

At this time, no children under the age of 25 are allowed as Tenants or Guests.

Room rental terms at Dancing Coyote Farm are as follows:

Minimum Rental Period: One (1) Month (30 consecutive days); Maximum: One (1) Year (12 consecutive months), with possible extension of longer rental period after review of Renter's history while a Tenant at Dancing Coyote Farm.

Month-to-Month Rentals (MTM)

  1. Month-to-month rentals are based on contiguous 30 day increments.
  2. Month-to-month rentals automatically renew for another 30 days unless Renter notifies DCF in writing 15 days prior to auto renewal that they do not want rental term to renew.
  3. If MTM rental is not renewed, Renter will move out and vacate the property by the end of their current MTM rental period without further notice from DCF to vacate.
  4. Rentals to adult couples available for the Desert Rose Suite and the Trail’s End Suite; Prairie Cottage Cozy room is not large enough to comfortably accommodate couples.
  5. Renter/s may not allow another person who is not on the rental agreement to inhabit the room for any number of days; nor may the Renter sublet the room.

13-Week Contract Rentals (13WCR)

  1. 13-week contract rentals are based on continuously rented thirteen (13) week increments.
  2. Maximum 13WCR is 4 contiguous 13WCR terms, unless an extension is requested in writing by Renter, and approved in writing by DCF 30 days prior to end of current 13WCR.
  3. The 13-week contract rental term is based upon a typical work contract length often used by traveling medical professionals [i.e., nurses, nurse-practitioners, doctors, medical technicians, LVNs, interns, medical students, et al] hired on a contract basis to work at hospitals, clinics, home health care businesses, institutions, facilities, and organizations et al., and such contract rental terms pertain as well to other traveling business professionals in the business and services industry sectors.
  4. 13-week contract rentals automatically renew for another 13-weeks, unless Renter notifies DCF in writing 30 days prior to auto renewal that they do not want the 13-week contract rental term to renew.
  5. If 13WCR rental is not renewed, Renter will move and vacate the property by the end of their current 13WCR rental period without further notice from DCF to vacate.
  6. Rentals to adult couples available for the Desert Rose Suite and the Trail’s End Suite; Prairie Cottage Cozy room is not large enough to comfortably accommodate couples.
  7. Renter/s may not allow another person who is not on the rental agreement to inhabit the room for any number of days; nor may the Renter sublet the room.

Other Contract Rental Lengths (OCRL)

  1. Available upon request, review, and approval.
  2. Minimum other contract rental term length is 1 Month (30 consecutive days).
  3. Maximum OCRL is 12 contiguous rental months, unless an extension is requested in writing by Renter, and approved in writing by DCF 30 days prior to end of current OCRL.
  4. Other length contract rentals are based on continuously rented contract-stipulated increments in the room rental agreement.
  5. The other length contract rental term is based upon a specially required work contract length often used by traveling medical professionals [i.e., nurses, nurse-practitioners, doctors, medical technicians, LVNs, interns, medical students, et al] hired on a contract basis to work at hospitals, clinics, home health care businesses, institutions, facilities, and organizations et al., and such contract rental terms pertain as well to other traveling business professionals in the business and services industry sectors.
  6. Other length contract rentals automatically renew for another OCRL term, unless Renter notifies DCF in writing 30 days prior to auto renewal that they do not want the OCRL term to renew.
  7. If OCRL rental is not renewed, Renter will move and vacate the property by the end of their current OCRL rental period without further notice from DCF to vacate.
  8. Rentals to adult couples available for the Desert Rose Suite and the Trail’s End Suite; Prairie Cottage Cozy room is not large enough to comfortably accommodate couples.
  9. Renter/s may not allow another person who is not on the rental agreement to inhabit the room for any number of days; nor may the Renter sublet the room.

Single Renter in a Room: As indicated on the room information/detail website page, and is subject to change without notification.

Couples Renting a Room (as described in “Preferred Renters” section above): As indicated on the room information/detail website page, and is subject to change without notification.

The security deposit also covers any Renter-caused damage to the homes common areas and/or to the property as a whole.

Upon Renter/s’ termination of rental, the security deposit will be returned, less any damages, within twenty-one (21) business days.

Withholding of the Security Deposit. California law allows landlords to withhold a portion, or all, of a security deposit for four reasons:

  1. Unpaid rent;
  2. To clean the rental unit after the tenant moves out, but only to make the unit as clean as it was when the tenant first moved in;
  3. To repair damages beyond normal wear and tear; and
  4. To pay the cost of restoring or replacing furniture, furnishings and other personal property damaged beyond normal wear and tear in the Farmhouse, and/or outside on the Farm's property.

Security Deposit will not be accepted in lieu of last month’s rent.

Renter will replenish the deposit in the event DCF has to make a deduction mid-tenancy (For example: If a Renter throws a ball through a window and breaks it a couple of weeks or more into the tenancy and the Farmhouse owners have to repair the window .)

A Written Description/Itemization List of Damages and Charges will be presented at termination of rental. If repairs and cleaning costs are less than $126.00, receipts and documentation will not be given; for repairs and cleaning costs costing over $126.00, receipts and documentation will be submitted after such services have been completed. (Civ. Code §§ 1950.5g 4A)

APPLICATION FEES. The maximum fee is adjusted each year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index. In 2021, the non-refundable application fee cannot exceed $52.40. (Civ. Code §§ 1950.6(b))

ACCEPTED PAYMENT METHODS. Rent can be paid by credit or debit card displaying the Visa or MasterCard logo (Sorry, we do not take American Express or Diners Club.); by Venmo, Zelle, and PayPal; by bank-to-bank ACH funds transfer; Cashier's Check and/or Money Order; and, of course, cash. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we do not accept business or personal checks.

RENT IS DUE: Regardless of rental term, and unless there is a contract to the contrary and the rental period is for less than one year, rent is due at the beginning of the next month of the specific rental term. Rent payment will be deemed late if not paid in full by the 5th day of the month. (Civ. Code §§ 1947).

LATE FEES. Late fee as stated in the Rental Agreement is $10.00 each day rent payment is late.

RETURNED CHECKS AND ACH CHARGES AND FEES. A fee equal to the actual bank fee and/or credit card and/or electronic payment portal [i.e, Venmo, et al] fee or a flat “service” fee which is $35 for the first occurrence, and $50 for each occurrence thereafter will be charged.

RENTAL AGREEMENT. A copy of the rental agreement will be provided to the Renter within 15 days of its execution by the Renter. (Civ. Code §§ 1962(4))

Why is Renter's Insurance Important? News reports of apartment fires or some other natural disaster, often include tragic stories of renters who have lost everything because they weren’t insured. A landlord does not provide insurance for your personal property. Having all your personal possessions destroyed in a fire or other insurable event, without coverage, is a tragedy that does not have to happen.

RENTER'S INSURANCE IS REQUIRED AT DANCING COYOTE FARM. To protect your belongings while a Tenant at the Farm, you are required to purchase renter’s insurance, also known as “tenant’s insurance.” The renter’s policy may be used to provide coverage for your personal contents located in the property that you occupy. Coverage is also provided for loss of use, personal liability protection and medical payments to others.

Coverage generally provided under a Renter's policy:

  • Coverage C - Personal Property - An amount, designated by the insured, subject to a minimum as determined by your insurance company. Covers your personal belongings because of a disaster or unexpected event, and it will have a minimum amount that’s set by your insurance company.
  • Coverage D - Loss of Use - 20% of Coverage C. Pays for any additional living expenses if you’re unable to use the property because of a loss, which can include the cost of a hotel or any meals
  • Coverage E - Personal Liability - Generally subject to a minimum of $100,000. Covers you for any damages for which you’re held liable, and most landlords will require you to get at least $100,000 of this type of coverage.
  • Coverage F - Medical Payments to Others - Generally Subject to a minimum of $1,000. Covers medical payments for any injuries to other residents that have occurred on the property caused by your negligence or malfeasance (i.e., Covered Renter accidently leaves an item in the home's hallway that accidentally causes another person in the residence to trip over it and causes that person a physical injury; or i.e., Covered Renter intentionally harms another person in residence and causes bodily injury, etc.).

If you don't have an insurance company that you currently work with, we can offer some recommendations such as contacting: Farmer's, State Farm, Allstate, Progressive, and Nationwide insurance companies. Please shop around to see which company is best for you - coverage-wise and price-wise. We require a minimum of $100,000.00 for Personal Liability coverage as stated in our Rental Agreements.

Proof of Evidence of a paid, valid and effective Renter's Insurance must be provided to us by your insurer prior to your move-in date. Coverage must start on your move-in date and end on your move-out date. If proof of Renter's Insurance is not provided tenancy will be denied and move-in date voided.

Month-to-Month (MTM) Notice to Terminate Tenancy. Fixed end date in rental agreement: No notice is needed as the rental agreement simply expires unless the rental term automatically renews per the Renter’s request in writing. If Renter does not want the MTM agreement to automatically renew, the Renter must give 15 days notice prior to the end of the current rental term.

13-Week Contract Rentals (13WCR) Notice to Terminate Tenancy. Fixed end date in rental agreement: No notice is needed as the rental agreement simply expires unless the rental term automatically renews per the Renter’s request in writing. If Renter does not want the 13WCRagreement to automatically renew, the Renter must give 30 days notice prior to the end of the current rental term.

Other Contract Rental Term (OCRT) Notice to Terminate Tenancy. Fixed end date in rental agreement: No notice is needed as the rental agreement simply expires unless the rental term automatically renews per the Renter’s request in writing. If Renter does not want the 13WCRagreement to automatically renew, the Renter must give 60 days notice prior to the end of the current rental term.

Other Notices.

  1. Required Notice before Entry to Rented Room: 24 hours (Civ. Code §§ 1954a)
  2. Entry Allowed with Notice for Maintenance and Repairs (non-emergency): 24 hours (Civ. Code §§ 1954a)
  3. Emergency Entry Allowed without Notice to Rented Room: Yes (Civ. Code §§ 1954b)
  4. Entry Allowed During Tenant’s Extended Absence of Rented Room unless there is an Emergency: Yes (Civ. Code §§ 1954)
  5. Notice to Tenant of Rented Room for Pesticide Use: Not required.
  6. Utility Shut-offs Allowed without Notice for Maintenance and/or Repair in Emergency to Rented Room: Yes (Civ. Code §§ 789.3a)

SMOKING AND/OR VAPING. Smoking and/or vaping of any type of materials (including marijuana) is NOT allowed anywhere on the property including inside the Farmhouseo, outside on the Farmhouse's deck, and outside the Farmhouse anywhere on the Farm's property (including NO smoking in a Renter's or a Guest(s)' vehicle(s)). Discovery of such usage will be grounds for renter's immediate eviction under California law.

DRUG USE. Having on one's person, storage of, and/or use of a legalized substance (i.e., marijuana), whether by the State of California or at the Federal level, and/or illegal drugs and medicines (except for legal drugs and medicines specifically, medically prescribed [such as CBD oil]), is prohibited and banned from the entire property which includes storing and/or using such substances in a a Renter's or a Guest(s)' vehicle(s).

ILLEGAL USE OF PROPERTY. Using your room, your vehicle(s), or any other part or area of the Farm's property for illegal purposes, including: weapon-related crime; manufacturing of, distribution of, and dealing of ammunition or any other explosive materials; growing, manufacturing, storage, distribution, and dealing of illegal drugs (including marijuana); and soliciting for, promotion of or actual dogfighting, is prohibited and discovery of such use will subject the renter to immediate eviction under California law.

UNSEEMLY BEHAVIOR AND NOISE. Dancing Coyote Farm prohibits all types of disruptive behavior including, but not limited to: physical or verbal violence and/or bullying; loud and/or excessive noise and/or nuisance; and disrespect towards fellow renters, the owners of the Farm, and/or our neighbors and community at large.

PETS. Renter's pet(s) are not allowed due to property insurance policy restrictions.

ALTERATIONS. Renter is prohibited from making any alterations to their room rental including, but not limited to, furnished bed and bath essentials including bedspreads, blankets, towels, pillows, etc.; painting walls and ceiling; removing furnished wall art, paintings and drawings; removing and or changing curtains and drapery; lighting; floor coverings; etc.

Renter may hang their own wall art including painting and drawings in their rental room with a review of such items by, and written approval from, Dancing Coyote Farm.

FOOD STORAGE. Renter may only store dry, non-refrigerated, shelf-stable goods in properly sealed containers in their rental room [i.e., coffee, canned soups, etc.] that cannot fit into their assigned dry goods cupboard in the Farmhouse's kitchen.

All foods requiring refrigeration and/or freezing must be stored in the Farmhouse's kitchen refrigerator/freezer.

FOOD PREPARATION AND COOKING. No food preparation nor cooking of any kind [including microwave cooking, coffee or tea making et al] is allowed in the rental rooms.

Food and beverages may be eaten/consumed in Renter's room as long as the dishes, utensils, glasses, etc., are promptly returned to the kitchen and washed and put away after usage.

SUBLEASING. Renter may not sublet their room for any reason.

EXTENDED ABSENCES AND ABANDONMENT. If room is abandoned by tenant for more than 7 consecutive days, or if the tenant is absent from the room with rent overdue without giving notice to the Farm's owners in writing of reason for an extended absence or abandonment [i.e., such as a vacation, hospitalization, out-of-town-business trip, etc.], the Farm's owners may assume that renter has abandoned the property and will take legal action immediately to remove renter's personal belongings and/or terminate the rental agreement.

For further terms and conditions, please read and understand the HOUSE RULES section of the website before you submit your Rental Application. These common sense house rules will help maximize your enjoyment of the Farm during your tenancy. Thank you.